When you visit our www.mybrightspark.com website, we make use of the Google Analytics cookie tracker to identify the use of our website and improve it.
Cookies are small pieces of data which are stored by a website through your browser, to enable an improved experience whilst using or browsing a particular website/app or to remember your preferences or navigation history/activity (such as pages you have visited within a particular site or typical activity) at a particular site.
You can delete cookies using your browsers own Clear History function. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some website and app features or services may not function properly without cookies.
Most web browsers allow some control of cookies through the browser settings. It is important to note however that if you block cookies from Our site or apps there are a number of functions that may not work, and you will need to reset your preferences each time you log in.
When you visit our website, we collect within webserver access logs your IP address, browser type and version if available, page visited, date and time of your visit and the website page requested from the server.
We collect and use Google Analytics derived data and Webserver access logs without making a direct reference to the visitor.